1942 r.
Zdjęcie mojej babci (małżonka chorego dziadka) - Hindy Wilkof i mojego wuja (Efraim lub Freddie) Wilkof. Efraim miał rodzinę.Wszyscy zginęli, najprawdopodobniej w Treblince. Imię Efraima Wilkofa (Wolkov) podaje Michael Nevins w książce o Dąbrowie - Dawid Wilkof.
I have been looking for a picture of my grandfather (Nechmya or Chemya) who died in the 1919 flu or thyphus epidemic right after World War I. I have not found the picture yet. He is buried in the Dabrowa Cemetery. I hope to come back to Dabrowa when the weather is better and I have more time to search for his stone in the cemetery.
I am attaching (see below) a picture of my grandmother (spouse of my diseased grandfather) - Hinda Wilkof and my uncle (Efraim or Freddie ) Wilkof. Efraim had a family. All were lost, most likely at Treblinka. Efraim Wilkof's (Wolkov) name shows up in the back of Michael Nevins book on Dabrowa where he lists the name of the known victims who were lost.
David Wilkof
2019-10-15 21:49:39
2020-07-17 16:40:31
2023-08-02 18:19:59