Plaques with unique archival photos show the scale of the destruction of the city by the German occupier in 1941. On the other hand, the photographs of contemporary Dąbrowa show the determination with which the inhabitants rebuilt the city, literally "from the ashes and rubble".
One of the plaques is devoted to the history of the Jews of Dąbrowa. It is a kind of crowning achievement of Dorota Budzińska's several years of work on restoring the memory of the inhabitants who are not there.
The plaque was probably placed in the area of ​​the old Jewish cemetery. It contains the history of the Jewish community in Dąbrowa Białostocka, a lot of interesting, archival photos, and in the background - paintings by Mark Podwal, a descendant of Dąbrowa Jews.
The money for this purpose was obtained from a grant from the Forum for Dialogue, with the support of the commune of Dąbrowa Białostocka and the Podlaskie Voivodeship.

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